Rule-Based Chatbots Vs. AI-based Chatbots.
I was chatting with one of the car service companies about work, and whenever I contacted them, they always replied back quickly with an answer to my query. At that time, I was getting the exact solution I wanted without spending a lot of time, so I wondered, “how could it be generated??” At that time I did not have an answer but now I know that a ‘chatbot’ was used.
“A chatbot or chatterbot is a computer program or software that performs a human conversation via speech or text chat.” By using chatbot assistants, organizations are able to reduce overhead costs, save time, and provide customer service during hours when a human is not available. By doing so, people and services can interact more effectively. So we can say that, “chatbots are a promising expression of human-machine interaction”.
There are two types of chatbot which are mainly used in market rule based and AI based. A rule based chatbot is only giving the specific answer to specific questions meaning they follow pre-defined conversational flow but AI based chatbot learns from the customer responses and prepares the related answers, for that we can use AI techniques which is, deep learning, natural language processing and machine learning.
AI chatbots are trained using various machine learning and deep learning models such as DIET classification, BERT, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN).To understand the intent of customer query it uses natural language technology. NLP technology provides full visibility into the rules that machines use to gain knowledge, with human oversight to adjust the learning models.