New Office!!

New Office!!


This week has been a #revolutionary #week for us. After almost one year, we have started meeting each other in our #new #office.

We all still remember the last day in our #old #office. Almost one year ago, we said “bye” to each other not knowing, when we will get a chance to meet again in person. Very little time was available to go back to our hometowns or to other secure places.

Though all #work activities continued the way it was earlier, we missed all #fun activities, that are part of life in #CoreView. The “zoom” meetings, Skype calls, and “google” meets allowed us to interact seamlessly, still leaving behind a sense of loneliness.

We have adopted a #hybrid approach, where we will work from the office on certain days and work from home on the rest. This will give us the best of both worlds. Though many of us are still in our hometown, we will plan and move back to working from an office in a staged manner.

Following all rules that are necessary to stay away from the troublemaker, it is such a nice experience to meet our colleagues in person.

A life lesson for all of us.

How do you plan to work in the near future?

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