Author - Sachin Kalaskar

Is Your Business Stuck?

“Makarand, we have been doing the same thing for the last few years. The business is stagnant. There is a total loss of motivation in the leadership team. I think we should drop what we are doing and do something else, that is completely different.” How often did you face similar situations in your business or your job? Changing a...

5 ways to Improve Team Productivity

“I had told you to send minutes as soon as the meetings were over, why did you not do it?” “You say that Sam had asked you to do it that way, but how can you prove it?” “What was the testing team doing? How did they ok this build?” The questions were flying fast, the meeting room had gone silent, the...

Working on Weekends?

“Makarand, from your last post it looks like you work during vacation days, isn’t it? Do you work on the weekends?”I get this question many times from my team members. Particularly when they see my emails sent over the weekend. Even though I may be sending mail over the weekend, I don’t expect responses back, before the week starts....

Have you utilized your strategic break productively?

“So Makarand, how was your strategic break last week? Did you get a chance for introspection?” I was anticipating this question from the teams I work with. “Yes, I did and soon you will see some difference in the way we work.” was my prompt answer. I thought about and evaluated my involvement in the activities of different teams, and categorized...

Making the most out of a forced holiday

I have come across two types of #holidays The first one I call vacation. #vacation is planned time away from work. This is time set aside for enjoyment with friends and family. During vacation I prefer to keep completely away from work, being available only for real emergencies, and I have never come across any real emergency while on vacation. Have you? The second...

Customer retention and upselling

Getting new business from satisfied existing customers is easier than hunting for totally new customers. How can data help you in looking at #customerretention and preventing the churn? There are many aspects of the customer experience that decide whether the customer is a happy customer and the one who would return. Data helps you measure how each aspect is working, which aspects are important...

Tag helpers demo in ASP.NET Core

We are going to implement a simple register user page using ASP.NET Core and MVC to demonstrate Tag Helpers. Traditionally developers use or have used  ASP.NET 4.x   framework to create web apps. But ASP.NET Core is a redesign of ASP.NET 4.x, including architectural changes that result in a leaner, more modular framework. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance,  open-source...

Clarity for the Leadership

“I can see a gap between what formal education provides and what the industry really needs. I want to bridge that gap, so that more and more students can find their dream jobs easily.” I was talking to Pranav Brahme about the secret behind his success. I could read the passion in his voice. In a small organization, most of...

The Art of Storytelling through Data

“This meeting is very important for us. We need the further budget to continue this project.  The presentation has to be solid and impressive. Make sure you add some colorful charts – pie charts to it” I have heard the business guys making this kind statement a number of times. This is not the right way to use the data. To...

7 Important tips for buying or selling a business

The process of buying or selling a business is very close to any other selling process. However some of the factors that impact success are not so obvious. I was fortunate to be on both sides of the deals in different transactions. Here are some of my observations that can help - • Do not build your organization with a...