Author - Sachin Kalaskar

Enterprise Customer Hub Data Engineering

Customer Challenges: Single Trusted Source Of Data Legacy application expensive and unmanageable Integration points with newer applications Result: De-coupled, extensible MDM solution, seamless to consumers Clean, trustworthy, easy to consume Customer data Enabled seamless Integrations with Data lake , SalesForce, Marketing Data Marts, Membership programs Enabled differentiators like adding more customer intelligence CoreView Solution: State of the art Open Source technology...

Massively Scalable Data Service Data Security

Customer Challenges: Needed Replacement for a highly expensive subscription service Govt. regulations required data to be confined within the country Result: Instant cost savings by one M $ every year. In premise deployment - Increased Security of customer data 99.9% uptime maintained for over three years by now Increased reliability of categorization CoreView Solution: Highly scalable, clustered configuration with multiple fan...

Hospital Re-admission Prediction and Prevention

Customer Challenges: Prediction of patients at risk of being readmitted and dates of highest risk. Recommended actions in the best interest of the patient. Result: Efficient Hospital Resource Management Dramatically Reduced Hospital re-admissions Reduced Hospital Length-of-Stay Improved Patient Care CoreView Solution: Approx 5 year old Patients data processing across departments. Python/MongoDB pipeline – Data processing and feature engineering Advanced classification models...

Micro-loan Selection and Recommendation Capital Management

Customer Challenges: How select microloans on peer-to-peer lending platform which can give maximum ROI? What are the drivers for the maximum ROI? Result: 5% increase in ROI compared to average return Increase in Customer Satisfaction and Retention CoreView Solution: Analysis of data on microloan allocation and return on investment on peer-to-peer lending platform for 5 years Feature engineering – Pincode data,...

Customer Churn Prediction

Customer Challenges: To predict the corporate customers who are going to churn in next 3 months What are the drivers for the churn and how to reduce the churn? Result: 8% reduction in Customer churn for the 2 quarters 5 % increase in revenue by Cross sell and up-sell Increase in Customer satisfaction CoreView Solution: Analysis of 100K B2B customers data...

TV Ad spend optimization AI-ML

Customer Challenges: To quantify the effectiveness of the promotion of a brand by TV AD and identify the ideal TV AD mix Measurement of TV ad effectiveness and optimization of costs Result: Analysis of TV Ad data across many channels and Sales data for last 12 campaigns Data mapping and attribution – Time slots and duration, Type of Ads, TV...

Predictive maintenance Industry 4.0

Customer Challenges: A Gas Pump can fail anytime without any warning, causing significant loss of production Ability to predict any possibility of failure is critical Result: Real time monitoring and predictive failure analysis is expected to save 1500 hours of downtime resulting in savings of $100K per month. Prescriptive recommendation for informed decision 10 % reduction in downtime CoreView Solution: Analysis...

Malware Prediction

Customer Challenges: To gain competitive advantage by accurate prediction of malicious / non-malicious files using Machine learning Result: Consistently achieved desired FPR (0.3 %) Lean model with faster prediction CoreView Solution: Advanced ML classification algorithm to predict malicious files Detailed feature engineering with a variety of file data Classifiers models like Gradient Boosting, Decision Tree, etc Automated pipeline for data ingestion...

AI based business intelligence platform

Customer Challenges: Huge data pile, No Business Intelligence Humongous manual efforts to consolidate, explore trends, patterns Missed optimizations, business opportunities No KPI tracking Result: Work in Progress ... Monthly deliverables for early and regular customer feedback CoreView Solution: Business Intelligence platform, co-related data from all sources Dashboards & Reports for tracking performance against KPIs Drill down to individual storage unit and...

Phishing attack prediction and prevention using AI

Customer Challenges: To detects and shut down brand new zero-day phishing attacks inside your browser within seconds of opening the page. Result: >10% reduction in zero-day phishing attacks Increase in seamless workflow CoreView Solution: State-of-the-art Computer vision technology to detect phishing attacks that impersonate a brand and its login page CNN based logo detection models in Tensor flow Lean model and...